
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Liking yourself and feeling comfortable in your own skin

(the above illustration is from the following website):

We human creatures have so many different personalities from one another. Some of us are introverts. Some are extroverts. And within each of these two categories are a myriad of other types of personalities and behavior. Maybe that is what makes the world such an interesting place.

No matter what personality we each have, it is important to like our self and who we are. Personally, I am an introvert…and just a few months ago discovered that fact. Before I learned the characteristics of being introvert, I thought I was a very odd duck. Once I learned about introverts and that I was one, it made all the difference in the world to me as far as liking and accepting myself for who and what I was. I felt that I was “ok” and not an odd person at all. I am feeling more comfortable in my skin, now.