
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Individual critique

The dictionary shows the word critique as meaning: a critical review; the art of criticism.

Ok, with that said, my focus will now be turned to movies. I absolutely love to sit and get lost in watching movies. Movies help my depression times and they also help me relax, unwind, and recharge myself because I have an introvert personality.

I have a membership with Netflix, the online movie rental company, and a lot of times I read the member reviews for a certain movie to see what their comments are. Many times their feelings about a certain movie matches mine, but there is always the one or two individuals who are very negative and picky. Other times I find most of the reviews for a certain movie to be very different than mine..very negative. Maybe that is what a movie review is suppose to be about…critical critiquing.

Most movies that I watch, I do enjoy. I am not a harsh movie critic...I watch to be entertained, not to tear a movie to shreds with criticism.