
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Teach children how to be a good future husband or wife

Being a good spouse in a marriage does not come to us instinctively. One has to learn and understand the basic elements of kindness, patience, love, unselfishness, service, compassion, tenderness, good communication, being a good listener, and much more.

Some of these qualities do seem to come naturally to some people, as if they were born with a gift. Some are qualities we CAN learn and develop. But they are all so very important to the happiness and success of a marriage.

It is never too late to teach children these things…to nurture and instill within them these qualities. Then, when they are old enough for marriage, they will be ready…and they will be able to be a good husband or wife.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


There are many laughs and jokes about the aging process. It seems like we can compare notes pretty good with others who are in the same cycle of life, all of which helps us to feel like we are not alone in the things we physically experience and feel.

Aging is a season of life that we can’t escape, unless called back to our heavenly home much earlier. I have dreaded the aging process way before I arrived at it, perhaps compounding the obvious somewhat difficulty of it. But it is part of the plan of life for us all, even though we don’t welcome its intrusion. We can’t hide or run from it. We can only do our best, as we ride the waves of aging.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Individual critique

The dictionary shows the word critique as meaning: a critical review; the art of criticism.

Ok, with that said, my focus will now be turned to movies. I absolutely love to sit and get lost in watching movies. Movies help my depression times and they also help me relax, unwind, and recharge myself because I have an introvert personality.

I have a membership with Netflix, the online movie rental company, and a lot of times I read the member reviews for a certain movie to see what their comments are. Many times their feelings about a certain movie matches mine, but there is always the one or two individuals who are very negative and picky. Other times I find most of the reviews for a certain movie to be very different than mine..very negative. Maybe that is what a movie review is suppose to be about…critical critiquing.

Most movies that I watch, I do enjoy. I am not a harsh movie critic...I watch to be entertained, not to tear a movie to shreds with criticism.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Life's trials...a way to help others

We all suffer through life’s trials and tests. Some of us struggle and suffer more than others and some of us learn great lessons from it.

My personal feeling is that we grow and learn from the things we suffer, and the knowledge we gained through our trial offers us the ability to help others who are going through the same thing.