
Monday, January 28, 2008

Whimp?....not me!

On one of my other blogs, “The Mountain and Desert Beauty of...” (see the top of this blog for links to my other 4 blogs), I talk about walking around the school track near our house and what a beautiful day it was for walking. I choose to do my walking exercise outdoors because I love to feel the sun on my skin and to breathe deeply of the fresh air. It is easy to walk when the weather is so nice. But what about when the weather is NOT nice? Do I still go for walks?

When I was living in northern Utah the winters could get sometimes down to around 10 to 20 below zero a lot of nights. I used to get up just before sunrise and begin my walks. I remember walking on crunchy slippery roads in the early morning when it was that cold and even still snowing. I would just put lots of layers of clothing on....sweaters, jackets, coats, hats and hoods, a couple of pairs of socks, two pair of gloves and my nice warm lined snow boots. I would bring the tie strings of the hood of my jacket up higher on my face and tie them on my chin so that most of my cheeks and chin were covered. I KEPT TOASTY WARM.

Is that dedication, or what? I don’t even let rain stop me from my beloved walks. I just take my umbrella along with me. Remember that old Gene Kelly song: “Walking in the Rain”? (Or was it "Singing in the Rain")? It is actually fun, refreshing, and pleasant. Try it....you might just like it.

My daughter said to me this morning as I was getting bundled up to go over to the track.. “you going walking....it is so cold and windy and has been raining”? The sky was black...you couldn’t even make out any cloud formations. There were just a few rain drops coming down. “No big deal”, I said to her. “If it rains I guess I will just get wet”. I didn’t even take my umbrella with me. It never did seriously rain...the wind was strong, temperature was about 50 degrees....but I kept toasty warm and so much enjoyed my walk. IS THAT DEDICATION, OR WHAT?

While walking today, I noticed our close, looming Pine Valley Mountain just off in the distance (actually it looks as if it is only a mile away from us), was not viewable today, as it was under dense dark storm clouds. It’s snowing up there!!!! It snows in the higher elevations....but all we get down here is rain. No snow....we are too warm in the winters to get snow down here.

I hear many people comment that they didn’t go for their walks because it was too cold, or it was raining, or too windy. But I am “miss tough gal”......undaunted by the coldness or wetness of the outdoors.

I guess my many years of previous living in extreme cold winters has conditioned me to COLD...even though I do not like cold weather. Same thing goes for enduring the HEAT of summers. Once when I went to Sea World down in San Antonio, Texas, I stayed in the sun and heat to long and got heat exhaustion (or something). After that I could not tolerate the heat in the least degree.....UNTIL I bought a personal steam spa unit for my home and began sitting in it’s 110 degree temperature. In no time at all, I found that I was conditioned to be able to endure and handle extreme heat from then on. Our summers here are around 110.

Nope....not me...you will NEVER hear me using those excuses for not going on my walks. No one can ever call me a whimp for not walking in ANY type of weather!